Asphalt Contractors Inc. is top notch in equipment and quality for Milling and Pulverizing.

Pulverizing and Milling Process
Pulverizing (sometimes referred to as “reclaiming”) is the process in which we grind up the current asphalt through to a portion of the underlying aggregate base. We then grade and compact this new mix and place a new asphalt surface. This process allows for recycling of the current asphalt into the new surface. We recycle the pulverized asphalt on location, which eliminates the added expense of transporting the material to a different location for further processing. The finished product with the new pulverized base provides a sturdy and much stronger base.
Milling is the process in which we remove a layer of asphalt, prepping for a new layer to be placed. The milled asphalt is transported to our facility and recycled for future use. This process is used to profile the road and remove surface cracks, potholes, crevices, fillers and ruts. With the addition of a new asphalt overlay, this process provides water infiltration resistance and a smooth road for drivers.
The Purpose: Provide a long lasting and pleasant driving experience for all road users.